Guest Speakers & Advisors

RijnMUN 2024 Board of Advisors

Big thank you to Ms. Sophie Auton, Mr. Chris Ellison, Georgie Hekkleman, Monika Jaceva, Ruben Naud Fernandez, Daan de Klein, and Leandro Rinaldo for providing their invaluable feedback throughout the journey of organizing RijnMUN.

We are also extremely grateful for the enthusiastic support of Mr. Hekkleman, Mrs. van Langen for in hosting an MUN conference at Het Rijnlands Lyceum Oegstgeest.

Lastly, we extend special thanks to Hidde van der Ligt, who gave us so much guidance from his experiences as the Secretary General of COMUN 2024. With him, we learned the ways of how an MUN Board of Director operates and without his help we would have had struggled so much more throughout our whole organisation process.

RijnMUN 2024 Guest Speakers

We are proud to announce that RijnMUN 2024 will be having the honour of hosting experts as guest speakers during the conference. More guest speakers will be released soon.

Alex Krijger

Guest Speaker GA1

Alex Krijger

Founder and managing partner of Krijger & Partners

Alex Krijger studied History and International Relations at Leiden University and has previously worked at the Minstry of Defense, NL Christian-Democratic Party CDA and Royal Dutch Shell. Founder of Krijger & Partners, a network organization specialized in Government Affairs and Geopolitical Risk Management. Alex Krijger is also an author of five books and a writer for various Dutch national media.

Norman Atkins

Guest Speaker GA4

Norman Atkins

Chief Air Transport Service in Logistics Division (UN Secretariat's Department of Operational Support)
Recipient of the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, NATO’s highest award in December 2005

Norman Atkins has served as a seconded Dutch military officer with the United Nations (UN) Secretariat in New-York and worked with both strategic and in-field levels on peacekeeping operations. He was on secondment in the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in 2006 as the Team Leader for UN East Africa missions' strategic planning, and later in 2011 persued a UN civilian career in DPKO Office of Operations. Over the years, he has worked with operations in Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Central African Republic, Kosovo, Syria and Mali as well as leading the peacekeeping file on Liberia, Ivory Coast, Middle East, Georgia, and Kosovo at UNHQ levels.
